3 Kasım 2015 Salı

An Asshole Story

There once was a girl who named Dilara. They were saying she can be an asshole sometimes. They were assholes.

Once she went to an asshole city called Budapest, which wasn't a quite asshole but she felt the assholeness in the atmosphere for an asshole reason. She stayed in an asshole hotel with a bunch of international assholes.

She was there for her asshole work. She was representing some assholes named: From Asshole to Asshole, Tum Tums of Assholes, Asshole Brothers and Asshole Percussion, Some other asshole, A Bunch Of Assholes.

Too many assholes, she said.

She worked like an asshole for whole week. She treated like an asshole for whole week. She didn't surprise because an asshole treats everybody like an asshole and you can do nothing about it.

She amazed to all those people who were not assholes and wondered what she should do to be in their circle. Then she looked to the assholes that she supposed to be with.

She didn't see any streets of that asshole city, yet, the assholes at the hotel left her all alone without phone and any asshole information about where all those assholes are going. She was shocked. She walked like an assholes all around the asshole city.

Some asshole screamed "I.MUST.PRAY.IN.A.SECOND.OR.YOU.ALL.ARE.ASSHOLES." She wasn't able to be more shocked by this assholeness. She was speechless. They found a towel to that asshole so he prayed in the middle of the asshole lobby. For a solid asshole hour. None asshole said a thing.

It was quite asshole week, she said. So, she decided to write down an asshole story about all the assholeness. 

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